Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The River of Life: Ancient Metaphor for Living our Lives and Teaching our Children about life

There is this "River of Life." The trip down the River is the metaphor I'll use to represent the context of life as a Human Being. The "Flow" of the River is the Universal Energy that carries us fourth on our journey through life. Metaphorical stories work well for children as they speak to the soul, to the deeper part of us that knows and understands...

So, we come from our Heavenly home to our earthly home and are gently placed, or plopped right down, into this River of Life. We flow down it all our lives. We have obstacles, challenges, triumphs, joys, sorrow and much much more. There are twists and turns, expectations, excitement, disappointments, boredom and confusion. We try to figure out what the heck is going on. We make assessments, requests, promises and declarations along the way. We have concerns, attachments, needs, wants and desires. We get stuck, find solutions or don't find solutions to the boulders, snakes, sun exposure and storms along the way. We blame others or are accountable for the nature of our trip, down this River of Life. We may look for what might be impeding the natural flow for us down this River of Life and meet those impediments in numerous ways, so we can continue our Flow without too much resistance or, we at times, do try to avoid or deny this trip down the River. We think the flow is too fast or too slow or become overwhelmed. There are forks in the River where we need to make choices about which fork to take. Each fork will bring us different challenges and joys, different people and experiences, a different "scenery." We have and make connection to others, we accept or resist, we forgive or hold grudges, we have compassion or indifference, we love and we hate.

Anything that affects our physical, mental or emotional bodies affects our access to our energy, creativity and clarity we need to effectively and successfully "Flow" down this River. Anything that affects the above aspects of our Human-ness affects the expression of who we are. When we are fully being our Human Being-ness we find ourselves in a state of Being that's fully self expressed, free to be the unique selves we are, yet with an experience of connectedness, unity and commonality with all of humanity. We want and do contribute to others and the natural world.

Next lets have a conversation about the specific practical tools that we can model and thus "teach" our children as to how to navigate down this amazingly beautiful, mysterious, simple yet complex River of Life. Lets expand on the above ideas. I invite you to join me with your ways of navigating and Being in this River of Life.